June 6, 2021

Welcome to Dover Assembly!

We are so glad you have chosen to attend Dover Assembly this morning. It is not by accident that you are here. We believe that God has allowed you to be here so that you might receive all that He has for you. We pray you are blessed as you allow the Lord to work in your life.




9:00 am ~ Coffee & Donut Fellowship
9:30 am ~ Sunday School
10:30 am ~ Worship Service
10:30 am ~ R.O.C.K. Children’s Ministry
1:00 pm ~ Spanish Service


7:00 pm ~ Deacon Board Meeting


6:30 pm ~ FAMILY NIGHT


6:30 pm ~ Prayer Night


6:30 pm ~ Spanish Service



Vacation Bible School (VBS)

As you know, our VBS  theme this year is LEGOS. Save-the-Date for July 11-14! Invite your family and friends and their  children grades K through 6! If we have enough workers we will also have a 3-5 PK class. Before we order curriculum and begin advertising, we need  EXCITED volunteers to help with VBS! If you are able to commit to this tremendous outreach opportunity, please sign up in the upper foyer.  Online registrations are now open. Sign up your children/grandchildren now at www.doverassembly.com/vbs

There will be a short meeting next Sunday, June 13 immediately following the morning service for all those who have signed up to help.

We also need help to assemble Lego packets on Wednesday June 16 at 5:00 before church.  Pass out date TBD.


Women of Purpose

It’s been a while since we have gotten together for a night of food and fellowship. Please join us for a night out Friday, June 18 at 6:00 pm  We will meet at The Vault restaurant, on Carlisle Rd just past Shiloh restaurant going towards York.  They have outdoor dining so if the weather is nice we can sit outside. Sign up in the upper foyer if you would like to join us. This is also a great opportunity to invite a friend!


Women’s Fall Conference

The ladies conference is scheduled for Nov 12-13 at the Hershey Lodge. Registration open June 15. If you are interested in attending, quick reservations are necessary to acquire the best rooms. Please sign up in the upper foyer so we can see if there is enough interest.  More information will follow.


Women’s Summer Book Club

It’s that time of year where the ladies read their summer book. This summer we will read “The Hiding Place” by Corrie Ten Boom. It’s an oldie but a goodie! Once we read it, a date will be set to watch the movie, fellowship and discuss. Please sign up in the upper foyer.


Outreach Phase 2 – Police Outreach

Continue to pray for the souls of the recipients of the pizza coupons we distributed to our Carlisle Rd neighbors. It’s now time to move onto phase 2. We are going to distribute the same coupons and church information to the Northern York Regional Police Department on Canal Rd. They currently have 60 officers and 4 office staff, so we are in need of 64 packets. We have 13 packets with pizza coupons left over from our first outreach.  The total number of packets we need to complete this outreach is 51. We have already received $300 towards this outreach!  PTL! That leaves us needing $210. Please mark your gift “Outreach” and place it in the offering. Thank you in advance for your help and prayers!



Wednesday Night Bible Study – Are You A Fan?

Join us on Wednesday evenings as we continue our study of the book, “Not A Fan.”


Prayer Warriors!

Our 21 in ‘21 Prayer and Fast days have officially ended. Have you seen a difference in your prayer life? Our prayer nights will continue on the 2nd and 4th Thursday evenings at 6:30. God is on the move and we don’t want to miss what He is going to do and thank Him for what He has already done! He is faithful!


Special Thanks!

To Lee, June, Anna, Bonita, Marlene, Diane for all your help with The Dobbins / Caldwell memorial service and luncheon. We continue to keep Deborah, Carl, Brad and Brandon in prayer.

To June for scraping, cleaning and repainting the downstairs children’s restroom.